The security of your roofing system is vital for keeping you protected from the outside elements. When not constructed properly or left unmaintained, a roofing system can begin to exhibit problems, which, if left untreated, could have negative consequences. In today’s post, we take a look at some of the most common roofing problems that require attention.
Improper use of Nails
Shingles need to be nailed into place to stop them from slipping and potentially breaking. When fewer nails are used than is necessary, the roof shingles can easily slip down. The number of nails you will need may sometimes vary, but a common standard is four nails per shingles, or six if the roof has a particularly steep pitch.
Whilst every competent roofer will understand the importance of ventilation, unfortunately, there are still cases where this hasn’t been taken into consideration.
A lack of roof ventilation will lead to moisture build-up, which could spread to mould and eventually damage to your roof. All reputable roofing companies will include ventilation in their plans before they start work.
Blocked Drainage
The drainage system of your roof is extremely important and should keep water running away from your home. When your drainage system becomes blocked, your roof could be subject to water pooling. Additionally, a buildup of water or debris can put pressure on the roofing system and cause unpleasant smells.
Pooling Water
If you have a flat roof, pooling water that isn’t cleared can begin to weaken the roof’s structure over time. If the pooling water becomes too heavy for the roof, the roof could collapse. If you are concerned about water pooling on your roof, you should hire a professional roofer to assess the situation. In some cases, the roof may need to be re-pitched to facilitate drainage.
AES Roofing Contractors
With a wealth of experience and highly rated reviews, you can rely on our dedicated team to get things right the first time. Whether you are looking for a repair or new installation, we can work across domestic and commercial properties, as well as those in areas of conservation and listed buildings. For more information on our services, please browse our website or call today on Worcester 01905 333697, Bromsgrove 01527 539649 or Evesham 01386 389261.